General conditions for participation


The ORGANISER, in the role of the provider of the contracted services, is TAHE PRODUCTOS COSMÉTICOS SL, with business address at Av. Grecia, Parcela 5.1 – Pol. Industrial Las Salinas, 30840, Alhama de Murcia, Murcia, Spain, and Spanish tax identification number (CIF) B30163406 and customer service telephone number +34 968 891 100.

The PARTICIPANT is identified on the website by an email address, of which they have full liability for use and care, and is responsible for providing the correct personal data to the ORGANISER.


The purpose of this contract is to regulate contractual activity between the ORGANISER and the PARTICIPANT, created when the PARTICIPANTS ticks the corresponding box online to accept this contract. The contractual relationship concerns the participation by the PARTICIPANT in the competition organised by the ORGANISER.

This contractual document regulates the contract of a service made through the website, which is the property of TAHE PRODUCTOS COSMÉTICOS SL (hereinafter the website)

Payment made by the PARTICIPANT, implies:

• They have read and understood the information included in this document

• They are of sufficient mental capacity to agree to this contract

• They accept all obligations stipulated in this document

• They are of legal age, acting on their own behalf, and fulfil all participation requirements

These conditions will remain in force indefinitely and will be applied to entries made through the ORGANISER’S website.


In order to access the competition organised by the ORGANISER, the PARTICIPANT must sign up through the website by creating a PARTICIPANT account. This includes freely and voluntarily providing the personal data required, which will be handled in accordance with EU regulation 2016/679 of 27th April (GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018 of 5th December (OLPDPGDR), as detailed on the website in the legal information and the privacy policy.

The PARTICIPANT will be assigned a username and a password, thereby agreeing to use them responsibly and to not pass them on to any third party, and to inform the ORGANISER in the case of loss or theft of these credentials or of any possible access by an unauthorised third party, to enable the ORGANISER to immediately block unauthorised access to the website.


Unless agreed by express written confirmation, the payment made to the ORGANISER implies the PARTICIPANT’s agreement to all legal terms and conditions. No stipulation made by the PARTICIPANT may differ from those of the ORGANISER unless expressly agreed in advance in writing by the ORGANISER.

The PARTICIPANT must verify in the payment confirmation email that the information is correct to complete the correct participation in the competition.


The PARTICIPANT may not assign, transfer or transmit the rights, liability or obligations accepted on making payment. If any stipulation of these conditions be considered null or impossible to fulfil, the validity, legal binding and fulfilment of all other stipulations remain completely unaffected and not subject to any modification. The PARTICIPANT declares they have read, understood and agreed to all general conditions.


The PARTICIPANT has the standard rights and time period to request a refund, from a payment made online or by another method. The PARTICIPANT has a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of payment to cancel the payment (Art. 71 of Law 3/2014 of 27th March). The right to desist is not applicable in the following circumstances:

1. For software apps or digital products downloaded directly from the ORGANISER’s website

2. For personalised products or products exempt for hygiene reasons or for other legally foreseen exceptions included in Art. 103 of Law 3/2014 of 27th March.

The ORGANISER should be informed of any refund using the form available on the website, or by email to [email protected], indicating the payment reference number.


Any complaint considered significant by the PARTICIPANT will be dealt with as rapidly as possible. Please direct any communication to:
Post: TAHE PRODUCTOS COSMÉTICOS SL, Av. Grecia, Parcela 5.1 – Pol. Industrial Las Salinas, 30840, Alhama de Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Telephone: +34 968 891 100
Email: [email protected]

A) Online Dispute Resolution 

In accordance with Art. 14.1 of EU regulation 524/2013, the European Commission provides a free platform for online dispute resolution between the PARTICIPANT and the ORGANISER, with no need for legal court proceedings, through third-party intervention, acting as a litigation resolution body as an intermediary for both parties. This body has a neutral position and will communicate with both parties to reach an agreement and suggest or impose a final solution to the dispute. Link:

B) Complaint forms 

We have complaint forms available (official model) which consumers and participants can request at any time by the means of contact stipulated in point 4 of this document.


Neither party will be liable for any breach of contract due to force majeure. Fulfilment of the relevant obligation will be delayed until such time as the circumstances of the force majeure are no longer relevant.


All payments made to the ORGANISER will generate a simple receipt or invoice in the name of the PARTICIPANT or the legal identification provided on payment. The invoice or receipt will be sent to the email provided by the PARTICIPANT. For information about their purchase, the PARTICIPANT should contact the ORGANISER’s customer services by telephone on +34 968 891 100, or by email at [email protected].


The ORGANISER provides the following payment methods for purchases:

• Credit card: no discounts or charges will be applied.


Basket (price simulation)

The shopping basket has no administrative links, it simply functions as a place to show the total price with no obligation to either party.

From the basket customers can purchase their order by following the steps to correctly complete the process:

• Check payment details

• Check email address

• Select payment method

• Complete transaction (purchase)

On completion of the payment, the system immediately sends an email to the ORGANISER’s management department and a purchase confirmation to the PARTICIPANT.

Orders (purchase requests)

An email will be sent within 24 working hours to confirm the order status and to confirm the competition entry.


All services offered through the website are completely original, unless otherwise indicated in their description. All services are provided in accordance with the criteria and conditions stipulated in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16th November, which approves the modified text of the General Law for the Defence of consumers and participants and other relevant laws.

TAHE PRODUCTOS COSMÉTICOS SL will compensate consumers or PARTICIPANTs for any product defect at the moment of delivery of the merchandise, content or digital service, for which the consumer or PARTICIPANT is able to request the company makes good the fault, or provides a price reduction or resolves the contract.


These conditions are regulated and upheld in accordance with Spanish law in any case where they are not expressly established. The ORGANISER and the PARTICIPANT agree to submit to the courts and legal system of the PARTICIPANT’s place of residence in the case of any dispute that may arise from the purchase of products or services relevant to these conditions.

If the PARTICIPANT in resident outside of Spain, the ORGANISER and the PARTICIPANT renounce any other jurisdiction, and submit to the court and legal system closest to Murcia, 30840, Alhama de Murcia, Murcia (Spain).